Lorien legacies lost files order
Lorien legacies lost files order

Thats why I try to watch the movie first to get a feel for a book because 99% of the time the book is always better the one thing a movie tends to do which is not always a bad thing is put a face to a character in a book and I guess you could say it helps you picture them a little more.a perfect example of bad movie vs good book again is mortal instruments if I would have watched the movie before reading the book I may have enjoyed it but it was soooo far off from the book that after reading the book before watching the movie I had to turn the movie off 1/2 way through I could not bare to watch it anymore,the hunger games movie is the reason I wanted to read the book and I'm glad I did so sometimes a movie can be beneficial.As far as the razorland series goes if you like dystopian I think you will enjoy it.The characters are a bit far fetched and over the top but its worth a read give enclave some time to develop if you dont like it I would say probably about a 1/4 of the wy through you probably wont enjoy the rest of the s been nice chattin with you Caitlin I'm off to work soon.Thanks for all the insight into the four series,if you have any questions about any of the books I've read please don't hesitate to ask me about them.some other series I've aceling realm series,heir series,caster chronicles,eragon series,dragonkeeper chronicles,narnia series I know I'm missing a bunch but those are the ones I remember right now.Legacies come from the Spirit of Lorien. I am enjoying the series I enjoy reading dystopian type series thats why I think I liked hunger games so much.If you enjoy dystopian A series you may not have heard of that I enjoyed is the razorland series enclave/outpost/horde I enjoyed it,I was not sure I wanted to read divergent one of the girls at my library suggested it until I watched the movie before reading the series and the movie kind of made me want to read the series probably b/c the movie was so close to the book except for a few parts which I wont mention and one major change which I did not care for.I cant say the same about the mortal instruments though I really enjoyed the book but then watched the movie and thought it was HORRIBLE.I think they are doing a pretty good job with the hunger games movies.How does the movie for I am number four compare to the book I enjoyed the movie thats why I think I will really like the book series its been awhile since I saw the movie I may watch it again before reading the books or do you not suggest that.

Lorien legacies lost files order